The past two decades have witnessed a truly phenomenal growth and expansion in our knowledge of the principles and mechanisms of in- heritance. Molecular and microbial genetics, for all purposes no…
The term "Tentative Standard" is applied to a proposed Standard which is printed in the Proceedings and Book of A.S.T.M. Tentative Standards for one or more years with a view of eliciting criticism…
A basic method of analyzing particulate gene systems is the proba- bilistic and statistical analyses. Mendel himself could not escape from an application of elementary probability analysis although…
Observation on the cytology of bacteria Biochemical genetics of neurospora The phenomenon of position effect The theory of genetical recombination Corn breeding Parthenogenesis in animals
This book is a translation of "Structures Génétiques des Popula- tions", which was published in 1970. There are a number of changes in the present edition. In particular, there are three new chap…
Cytoplasmic Inheritance Genetics oh human pupolations Genetics of cancer Cytology of coccids (Coccoidea-Homoptera) The bearing of the new systematics on genetical problems the nature of species…
Tentative Standards are proposed Standards published for one or more years with a view of eliciting criticism, of which the committee concerned will take due cognizance before recommending final ac…
As material for their research geneticists use higher and lower plants, higher and lower animals, and recently also viruses and bacteriophages. They study heredity in man. In their experiments th…
Because genetics is a young science, its workers still often have to coin their own technical terms. This dictionary is an attempt to define and stand- ardise these terms. The first edition will do…