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Buletin Penelitian Hasil Hutan Vol.15 No.4 1997
PENGARUH BAHAN PENGAWET TERHADAP KETEGUHAN REKAT DAN KEAWETAN KAYU LAPIS TUSAM (Pinus merkusi)rnEffect of preservative on bonding strength and durability Of pine plywoodrnI.M.Sulastiningsih &. Jasni ........... rnrnAPLIKASI STUDI DIAGNOSTIK BINA DESA HUTAN (BDH) Application of BDH Diagnostic Study) '-rnAzis Khan, Benl D. Nasendi, Suwidji Basuki, OK. Kalyono, Epi Syahadat &. Suratman ...rnrnEFISIENSI SALURAN DISTRIBUSI PRODUK MEBEL: STUDI KASUS PADA PERUSAHAAN MEBEL UKIR DI JEPARArnEfficiency of distribution channel of furniture product: A case study of carved fumitursrnmanufacturer Jepara Achmad Supriadi .........rnrnANALISIS DAMPAK KEBIJAKAN TATA USAHA KAYU TERHADAP PENERIMAAN NEGARA DARI IURAN HASIL HUTAN DAN DANA REBOISASI STUDI KASUS DI PROVINSI KALIMANTAN BARATrnAn analysis of the impact of wood administration policy on the government revenuesrnfrom forest fee (IHH) and reforestation fund (DR) Case Study in West Kalimantan ProvincernHendro Prahasto, Hariyatno D. & Setiasih lrawanti .......... rnrnHASIL DESTILASI KERING DAN NILAI KALOR 15 JENIS KAYU Destructive distilation and calorific value of 15 wood species. Tjutju Nurhayati, Dadang Setiawan & Mahpudn ...... rnrnPERBAIKAN TEKNIK PELENGKUNGAN ROTAN MELALUI PERENDAMAN DENGAN LARUTAN DIMETIL SULFOKSIDArnImpmvomont of rattan banding technique by soaked with dimethyl sulfoxida solutionrnOsly Rachman, Suhadi Hardjo & Meri Suwirman....rnrnPengawetan tujuh jenis kayu secara rendaman panas dingin dengan bahan pengawet impralit 16 sp dan impralit CKBrnHot and cold soaking treatment of seven wood species using impralit 16 sp and impralit ckb preservativesrnSasa Abdurrohim .......rnrn
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