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DAFTAR ISI (CONTENTS)rnPercobaan (Research report) .rn Isolasiprotoplas karet_(Hevea¢brasiliensis Muell. Arg.) dari kalus dan suspensi sel rn (Isolation of Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. protoplasts from callus and; cell suspension) - rn Nurhaimi-Haris, A. Darussamin & William A. Dodd .......rnrn Polimorifisme isoenzjm beberapa tetua dan hasil persilangan Hevea brasiliensis Mulell. Arg. rn (Isoenzyme polymorphism of parental clones and their hybrids in Hevea brasiliensis Muell. rn Arg.) - Tetty Chaidamsari, A. Darussamin & Sekar Woelan ......rnrn Pengawetan kayu okulasi karet dengan teknik aseptik (Preservation of rubber budwoods using rn aseptic techniques) - Suharyanto & A. Darussamin .................rnrn Kemampuan melarutkan fosfat dari beberapa isolat bakteri asal tanah dan pupukrn kandang sapi (Phosphate-solubilizing capabilities of selected bacterial isolates fromrn soils and farmyard manure) - Didiek HI Goenadi, R. Saraswati & Y. Lestari .... ..rnrnrnrnrn
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