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DAFTAR ISI (CONTENTS)rn1. Dari Redaksi (Editorial)......rnrn2. Karangan (General articles )rn Aspek aplikasi pestisida dari udara (Aspects of aerial application of pesticides) -— S. rn Wardojo . . . . . . . . .rnrn Tinjauan produksi dan ekspor kopi Indonesia 1970 -1980(A survey of Indonesian coffee rn productions and exports) —-Martadinata........'.......rnrn3. Percobaan (Research reports)rn Prospek rumput Guatemala untuk mengendalikan nematodaparasit tanaman kopi (The prospects of rn Guatemala grass on the control of coffee parasitic nematodes) —- Soekadar Wir-rn yadiputra.................rnrn Penentuan kadar air (minimum dan kadar air maksimum daun Stevia untuk kemantapan selama rn penyimpanan (Defining the minimum and maximum moisture contents of stevia leaves for storage rn stability) — Oskari Atmawinata, Darnoko, Ida Farida &Achsan..............rnrn Pengawetan lateks kebun pada proses pendadihan (Preservation of field latex in the creaming rn process) -- .S'ri- Utami-Triwijoso & Bambang Handoko . . .....rnrnrnrnrn
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