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Jurnal Penelitian Teh dan Kina Vol. 8 No. 1-2 Januari-Agustus 2005
DAFTAR ISIrnrn1. Kajian nilai tambah dan kelayakan investasi tablet eflervescent teh hijaurn Study of added value as well as investment feasibility of green tea eflervescent tabletrn Rohayati Suprihatini, Nunnl Awalina, Dadan Rohdiana, dan Shabri .................................. ..rnrn2. Pengaruh pupuk hayati dan kompos serasah pangkasan teh terhadap pH tanah, P-total,rn P-tersedia, retensi-P, dan pertumbuhan tanaman teh belum menghasilkan pada tanah Andisolsrn The eflect of organic fertilizer and tea leaf-mold compost on the soil pH, total-P, available-P,rn P-retention, and the growth of young tea plant in Andisols xrn Arkat Agus Salim, Yati Raclmfuti, dan Tito Dikamulyana ............................................... ..rnrn3. Pengaruh pupuk hayati dan kompos limbah pabrik teh (flufl) terhadap pH, C-organik,rn serapan N, populasi total mikroba, populasi baktcli penambat N, dan pertumbuhan tanamanrn teh belum menghasilkan pada jenis tanah Inceptisolsrn The eflect of organic fertilizer and tea flufl compost on the soil pH, C-organic, nitrogenrn uptake, total population of microbes, population of nitrogen fixation bacteria and thern growth of young tea plant in Inceptisolsrn Yati Rachmiati dan Arkat Agus Salim ............................................................................. ..rnrn4. Pengaruh berbagai kombinasi takaran pupuk majemuk NPK pada tanaman teh menghasilkan di tanah lnceptisols .rn The e_fl'ect several combinations of doses of compound fertilizer NPK on the productive tearn plwtt at Inceptisols soil typern Arkat Agus Salim,Yati Rachmiati, dan Tito Trikamulyana ............................................... ..rnrn5. Pengaruh tinggi pangkasan dan tinggi jendangan terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil pucukrn basah pada tanaman teh asal bijirn The eflect of prunning height and tipping height on the growth and yield of flesh tea leavesrn of seeding tearn M. Erwan Johan ............................................................................................... ..rnrnrnrn
J050050 | 051. Jur | Pustaka PPKS Medan Lt. 1 (Rak Jurnal) | Available |
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