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Journal of Bioscience Vol.7 Issue 2 1996
Description of Paradiplozoon lampam SP N and P.musculus SP N (Diplozaidae) from cyprinids in Peninsular Malaysia with scanning electron microsocopy studyrnSi Si Hia Bu and Leong Tak Seng.........................................................rnrnCytotoxic activity of Orthoshipon stamineus benthrnMariam Ahmad, Mary Jane Cardosa and Mahgub A Gama..........................................rnrnIsolation of five viruses naturally infecting cucurbit plants in MalaysiarnZakaria Sidek and Nobumichi Sako.................................................rnrnCoriander (Coriander sativum L.) and Cumin (Cumin cyminum) as sources of dietary fible and biomineralsrnL Ying Chein and V H potty...................................................rnrnSpatial pattern analysis of weed community in the rice granary of Sungai Burung, Tanjung Karang, SelangorrnBaki B B, Habibah J and 'Abdul Munir J......................................rnrnIsolation of Lipolytic fungsi using coconut oil as a carbon sourcernLong K, Ghazali H M, Bucke C, Ampon K and Ariff A......................................rnrnThe role of tropical storms in the catchment sediment removalrnWan Ruslan Ismail.......................................................rnrnEffect of carbon sources storms in the production of lignin degrading enzymes by Phanerochaete chrysosporiumrnDarah I, Burke R, Ibrahim C O...............................................................rnrnGenetic polymorphisms and relationships among Asian slipper orchids of the genius PaphopedilumrnAung Aung Min and Tan Sai Tee.........................................................rnrnBiological aging and changing food and nutritional needs-A reviewrnV H Potty..............................................................rnrnSHORT COMMUNICATIONrnrnExperimental infection of the indegenious goats with a caprine Eimeria species: Intestinal gross pathology and the development of its coccidial stagesrnWahab A Rahman...............................................................rnrnEvalution of closantel (Flukiver 5 Inject. ) againts gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep rnChandrawthani P, Jammah O, Cheah T S, Adnan M and Rajamanickam C.................................rnrnBioherbicide potential of a Colletotrichum gloesporioides isolate pathogenic on Sphenoclea zeylanicarnI G caunter and K C Lee..........................................................rnrnCaprine helminthiasist: Influence of gender on susceptibilityrnD A Israf, R A Sani and R A Halim.............................rnrn
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