Technique Of Organic Chemistry Vol. VIII
The search for information about the changes which compounds undergo
is of the very essence of chemistry, not only because of the end-products
formed, but also in view of the intermediates and the transformations which
control the over-all reactions. Investigations of the mechanisms of reac-
tions have therefore been undertaken since the beginning of modern chem-
istry. In recent years they have become one of the most important
branches of physical organic chemistry . From a practical point of view,
detailed information on the rates and mechanisms of reactions can be
most aluable in guiding operations and choosing optimum conditions
for synthetic and for analytical work.
This volume is concerned with the theoretical and experimental tools
used to establish the mechanisms of reactions. Foremost among these
ranks the determination of the rates at which a reaction proceeds as a whole
and in its various parts. The authors discuss reactions in both gaseous and
liquid phases, including catalyzed reactions in homogeneous systems, and
also polymerization and biochemical kinetics where special considerations
and techniques apply. We deeply regret Dr. Otto Beeck's untimely death
which prevented him from completing a chapter on heterogeneous cata-
lytic reactions.
Several of the physical methods used in the handling of kinetic problems
have been discussed in earlier volumes of this series, to which reference is
made in order to avoid duplication. But it is the application and adapta-
tion of experimental techniques to the various reactions, as well as the
theoretical interpretation of the results, which present the most intricate
and highly individual problems. These applications and adaptations, the
special methods which have been devised for the study of reaction rates and
mechanisms, and the relevant theories are discussed in detail; examples of
investigations are given as models for related reactions together with ap-
propriate comment on possible variations or refinements.
We hope that this mixed theoretical and practical treatment of reaction
kinetics and mechanisms will provide the student with stimulating informa-
tion, furnish furnish Lc the research worker with the knowledge needed for a well-directed approach to new problems, point the way to the pertinent litera-
ture, and help in the development of a field equally fascinating because of
its diffculty and its importance.
We are grateful to the authors for their expert collaboration, to Drs.
B. Kathleen Morse and W. D. Walters for their help in planning this
book, to Dr. E. M. Crane for several editorial suggestions, and to the
publishers and their staff for their thoughtful assistance.
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