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PELITA PERKEBUNAN Vol. 24 No. 2 Agustus 2008
Dampak .kemarau panjang terhadap perubahan sifat biji kopi Robusta Coffea canephora) (lmpact of londry
season on bean characteristics of robusta coffee ( Coffea canephora ) Ucu Sumirat
Uji ketahanan kakao ( Theobroma cacao L .) terhadap penyakit busuk buah dan efektivitas metode inokulasi
(Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) resistance evaluationa gaints black pod disease and effectiveness of inoculation
method) Rubiyo, Agus Purwantara, Dedy Suhendi, Trikoesoemaningtyas Satriyas lyas, dan Sudarsono
Ketersediaan fosfor asal tanah dan fosfat alam akibat sumber bahan organik yang berbeda( Availability of
phosphorousfr om soil and rock phosphate as affected by application of different organic matters).
Sugiyanto dan John Bako Baon .
Identifikasi senyawa nitrogen organik tanah sebagai indikator respons tanaman kakao terhadap pemupukan
nitrogen (Identification of soil organic nitrogen substance acting as indicator of response of cocoa plants
to nitrogen fertilizer ). John Bako Baon
Kinerja pengering putar tipe silinder horizontal untuk pengeringan kompos
organik dari kulit buah kakao ( Performance of a horizontal cylinder type
rotary dryer for drying process of organic compost from solid waste cocoa
pod). Sukrisno Widyotomo, Sri-Mulato, H. Ahmad dan Siswijanto
J080101 | J PPN V24N2 2008 J080101 | Perpustakaan PPKS Medan Lt. 1 (RAK JURNAL) | Available |
J080103 | J PPN V24N2 J080103 | Perpustakaan PPKS Medan Lt. 1 (RAK JURNAL) | Available |
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