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PELITA PERKEBUNAN Volume .19 No.3 Desember 2003
- Kajian agronomis, ekologis dan ekonomis terhadap konversi budi daya kakao anorganik ke organik (Agronomical, ecological
and economical study of the conversion of inorganic to organic cocoa cultivation). A. Adi Prawoto
- Efisiensi penupukan nitrogen, sifat kimiawi tanah dan pertumbuhan kakao akibat dosis dan ukuran zeolit (Nitrogen fertilizer
efficiency, soil chemical characteristics and cocoa growth as affected by dosage and size of zeolite). John Bako Baon, Fenny
inayah, budi suhartono dan suges winarso
- Karakteristik ikatan liat dalam agregat dan status hara tanah akibat aplikasi bahan organik (Characteristics ,of clay bonding
within aggregates and nutrient status of soil due ta orrganic matter application). Pujiyanto , Sudarsono, S. Sabiham, A. Sastiono
dan J.B. Baon
- Karakter fisik dan cita rasa kopi hasil penyangraian sistem pemanasan langsung (Physical and flavor characters of coffee
roasted by direct firing system). Yusianto
- Daftar penilai undangan Volume 19, Nomor 3, Desember 2003 (Invited reJerees of Volume 19, Numb.er 3, December 2003)
- Indeks subyek Volume 19 (Subjecitn dex of Volurme 19)
- Indeks pengarang Volume 19 (Author index of Volume 19)
j 990136 | 051. Jur | Pustaka PPKS Medan Lt. 1 (RAK JURNAL) | Available |
j 990138 | 051. Jur | Pustaka PPKS Medan Lt. 1 (RAK JURNAL) | Available |
j 990139 | 051. Jur | Pustaka PPKS Medan Lt. 1 (RAK JURNAL) | Available |
j 990140 | 051. Jur | Pustaka PPKS Medan Lt. 1 (RAK JURNAL) | Available |
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