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PELITA PERKEBUNAN Volume 16 No. 2 Agustus 2000
- Daya regenerasi dan morfisme pertumbuhan bibit hasil kultur daun ortotrop
dan plagiotrop Coffea canephora melalui embriogenesis somatik (Regeneration and plant morphism of orthotropic and
plngiotropic leaf culture of Coffea canephorat hrough direct somatic embryogenesis). Priyono ,
Matsaleh, dan Didi Suhendi
- Respons bunga klon-klon kopi Robusta terhadap gangguan hujan saat
mekar (Response of flowers of some Robusta coffee clones to rainfall
interference during anthesis). Abdul Mukti Nur
- Kompatibilitas persilangan beberapa klon kakao (Theobroma cacao L.)
(The crossability of cocoa (flteobrorn cacao L.) clones). Dedy Suhendi,
Agung Wahyu Susilo, dan Surip Mawardi
- Hubungan antara cita rasa kopi Robusta dengan komposisi bahan tanam
serta komponen lingkungan (Relationship between taste of Robasta coffee
and plant material and environment components). Soetanto Abdoellah, Retno Hulupi, dan Sulistyowati
- Susu skim dan monosodium glutamat sebagai medium pensuspensi dalam
pengering-bekuan spora Beauveria bassiana (Skim-milk and monosodium
glutamate as suspending medium in freeze-drying of Beauveria bassiana
spores). Yohanes Djoko Junianto dan Haryono Semangun
J 001117 | 051. jur | Perpustakaan PPKS Medan Lt. 1 (RAK JURNAL) | Available but not for loan - Missing |
J 001118 | 051. jur | Pustaka PPKS Medan Lt. 1 (RAK JURNAL) | Available but not for loan - Missing |
J001119 | J PPN V16N2 2000 J001119 | Pustaka PPKS Medan Lt. 1 (RAK JURNAL) | Available |
J001120 | J PPN V16N2 2000 J001120 | Pustaka PPKS Medan Lt. 1 (RAK JURNAL) | Available |
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