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MENARA PERKEBUNAN Tahun ke 53 No..2 1985
- Pengaruh pupuk kandang, pupuk NPK dan pupuk organik
cair terhadap stevia (Effect of farmyard manure, NPK
and liquid organic fertilizers on stevia) - Didiek H. Goenadi
- Pengaruh produktivitas kopi robusta terhadap harga pokok
(The inftuence of robusta coffee productivity on cost price)- Martadinata & Suryo Wardani.
- Penetapan kadar air biji cokelat dengan cera tester( Measure'
ment of the moisture content of cocoa beans with the ceratester) - Hermansyah.
- Pengaruh pemupukan terhadap mutu teh hitam (The effect
of fertilizers on the quality of black tea) - Sugianto S
- Penyederhanaan konstruksi peti kemas karet SIR (Simplification of crate construction for SIR) - Sugianto S. & K.Walujono
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