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Jurnal Tanah Tropika (Journal of Trofical Soils) Tahun IV Nomor 8 Januari-Juni 1999
01. Spatial variation of selected soil physical properties on three slope classes................................................S.R.P.Sitorusrn02. Conservation techniques consideration for runoff and erosion in highland vegetable-crop land.......................................S.B. Yuwonorn03. Mineralogical composition of prolonged cultivated paddy soils in tugumulyo south sumatra........................................D.Setyawan and Warsitorn04. Effects of some soil amendments on soil colloid charges and physicochemical properties of typic haplohumults (Ultisols).................S.A. Ali and Sufardi rn05. Decrease in solubility of copper from industrial waste in tropical soils driven by lime and cassava-leaf compost treatment..............................................A.K. Salam, S.Djuniwati, and J.T.Harahaprn06. Growth of corn (Zea mays L) in soils polluted with heavy-metal-containing industrial waste..................................A.K. Salam, N.Sriyani, and Sarnorn07. Effects of lime on growth and yield of corn in soil treated with long-term tillage system............................Dermiyati, Sarno, and M.Utomorn08. Regional hierarchical analysis and its relationship with food-crop land-productivity in bogor distict..............................................R. Sukasmianto, S.R.P. Sitorus, and D.R.Panujurn09. Soils, landforms and their potentials for agriculture in aceh mainland...................................H.Suhardjo and Harijogjarn10. Integrated nutrient management to increase dryland productivity of plinthic kandiudults......................................A.Kasno, A.Hamza, and P.Yufdyrn11. Quantity and variation in soil Available-nitrogen after deforestation........................................................I.P.Hanyani rn12. Changes in weed dominance in ultisol sidosari and alfisol sri bawono lampung polluted with heavy-metal-containing industrial waste...............................................N.Sriyani
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