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Jurnal Tanah Tropika (Journal of Trofical Soils) Tahun III Nomor 6 Juli-Desember 1998
01. Effects of deficit irrigation in vegetative stage on growth, yield, and water requirement of soybean (Glycine max(L) Merr)............................................R.A.B. Rosadi and I.G. Dharmaputrarn02. Effects of water depletion on growth and yield of soybean (Glycine max(L)Merr)...........................R.A.B.Rosadi, T.K.Manik, and R.Zahabrn03. Mineralogical properties of soils formed on two geological formations in south sumatra.............................D.Setyawan, Warsito, and S.j. Priatnarn04. Distribution of exchangeable K,Ca, and Mg in several tillage intensities of pineapple (ananas comusus L.) plantation in ultisol terbanggi besar central lampung.....................................S.Djuniwatirn05. Changes in solubility of zine of industrial waste origins in tropical soils driven by lime and cassava-leaf compost treatments........................................A.K.Salam, S.Djuniwati, and H.Novpriansyahrn06. Studies on formation and dissociation of metal-clay complexes (Between AL or Fe and Clay, Humic fractions and their mixtures)..........D.Tambas and N.Gofarrn07. Role of water content and incubation time in measuring phosphatase activity in soils............................................A.K. Salamrn08. Studies on the effects of fertilizers on pests of patchouly in two agroecosystems in lampung.............................D.R. Mustikawati, Y.Pujiharti, Hasanah, and Hayanirn09. Soils, landforms and their potentials for agriculture in mainland area of riau.......................................................H.Suhardjorn10. Oxisols in north lampung: their mineral compositions, chemical properties and classifications............................B.H. Prasetyo, B.kaslan, and S.ritungrn11. The prediction of soils temperature from air temperature to determine soil temperature regimes: Acase study in terbanggi area central lampung......................................................D.Wiharsorn12. Response of cassava plants to long term fertilization with liquid organic N fertilizers...................................................A.Zubair,Agusni,and W.S.Ardjasa
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