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Jurnal Tanah Tropika (Journal of Trofical Soils) Tahun Iv Nomor 7 Juli-Desember 1998
01.soil physical under intensively tillage at pineapple plantation in central lampung..................K.E.S. Manik,afandi,and soekarnorn02.influence of weed management under coffee plantson some soil physical properties....Afandi.R.A.B.Rosadi.T.K Manik.M.Senge.T.Adachi.and Y.Okirn03.Basic infiltration rates in various phases of pineapple growth in central lampung...........K.E.S.Manik Afandi,and Soekarnorn04.investigation of water seepage in the canal of way seputih irrigation area central lampung.............A.Syarnadi H.M.rn05.Clay mineral characteristics of acid sulphate soil in pulau petak south kalimantan........H.Muhammmad,Z.T.Maria,B.Mulyanto,and A.Rachimrn06.The Effect of Long-term tillage system and nitrogen fertilization on the humic and fulvic acid contents....................................Sarno,S.Yusnaini,Dermiyanti,dan M.Utomorn07.changes in soluble copper and Cadmium Along Soil Culumns Treated wiht Lime and Cassava-Leaf Compost Driven by water Leaching......................................A.K.Salam.Sarnorn08.Changes in soil labile zinc of industrial waste origin in severial tropical soils treated with lime and cassava-leaf compost.................................................A.K.Salam,C.Marintias,S.Djuniwati,and sarnorn09.The effectiveness of time and kind of rock phosphate application in plinthic kandiudults.............................A.Kasno.S.Adiningsih,and Moersidi Srn10.Soil condition and their extent in west kalimantan in relation to the regional planning and transmigration program.....................................................H.Soehardjo.H.Sastramiharja.and A.Mulyanirn11.Dynamic of carbon and nitrogen mineralization in alang-alang grassland (imperata cylindrica).......I.P.Hndayani and p.Prawito rn12.the influence of double inoculation of rhizobium and mycorrhizal vesicular arbuscular on nodulation and yield of soybean in ultisols lampung.........................................S.Yusnaini
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