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Jurnal Tanah Tropika (Journal of Trofical Soils) Tahun V Nomor 9 Juli-Desember 1999
01. The effect of vesikular arbuskular mycorrhizae on the yield of corn treated with temporary water stress during vegetative and generative phases.................................................S.Yusnaini, A.Niswati, S.G.Nugroho, K.Muludi, and A.Irawatirn02. spatial and temporal variability of some chemical compositions of tidal swamp irrigation water in an acid sulfate soil south kalimantan.............................................E.Purnomo, S.M.Geling, and W.T.G.van somerenrn03. Available p of different fertilizers in limed podzolic jasinga and its effects on corn growth...............................................H.Novpriansyahrn04. Soils, land units and their potencies for agriculture in the mainland area of north sumatra province..........................................H.Suhardjorn05. The analysis of soil physical and chemical variability of wetland and its implication for agriculture use....................................................S.R.P. Sitorus, N. Usmar, D.R. Pamju, and Subagyo Hrn06. Effect of growth media on growth of vanilla clones in nusury.............................................R. Ernawati, Hasanah, and Y.Barusrn07. The characteristics of soils derived from tertiary aci sedimentary rocks under humid tropical conditions (Case study of gedong aji area, north lampung)......................................................D.Wiharso and S.B. Yuwonorn08. Soil variability within land mapping units delineated be site analysis method...............................................................S.R.P. Sitorusrn09. Chemical properties and variable charge changes of ultisols and oxisols as determined by pH values.............................................................M. Andarn10. Change in phosphorus absorption by corn driven by lime, vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae, and natural rock phosphate in ultisol taman bogo central lampung..............................................................Dermiyatirn11. Soils, landforms and the potential for agriculture expansion in east sumba area................................................................Rb. Sunyoto and H.Suhardjorn12. Distribution of nitrogen mineralisation potential within surface layers of upland soils in south kalimantan..........................................................................E. Purnomorn13. Development of soils derived on granitic rocks in south lampung.........................................................................................D. Wiharso
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