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Biotechnologie, Agronomie Societe et Environnement Volume 18 No 2 Tahun 2013
Animal Productionrn- Tshibangu muamba I.Nsahlai ignatius V.Kiatoko mangeye H.&Hornick J.-L.-Nutritive value of adenodolichos rhomboideus leaves compared with leucaena leucocephala and stylosanthes guianensis forages in indigenous goats in lubumbashi (DR Congo)......rnrn Biological Controlrn- Musto M.Potenza G.&Cellini F.-Inhibition of penicillium digiatum by a crude extract from solanum nigrum leaves.......rnrn Economy and Developmentrn- Delcour A.Van stappen F.Gheysens S.Decruyenaere V.Stilmant D.Burny Ph.Rabier F.Louppe H.& Goffart J.-P-Survey on cereal resources in wallonia according to their different uses..........rn- Van stappen F.Delcour A.Gheysens S.Decruyenaere V.Stilmant D.Burny Ph. Rabier F.Louppe H.&Goffart J.-P-Alternative scenarios for food and non-food uses of wallon cereals by 2030........rnrn Focus Onrn- Coulibaly W.H.N`Guessan K.F.Coulibaly I.Dje K.M.& Thonart Ph.-yeast and lactic acid bacteria involved in traditional sorghum beer produced in sub-saharan africa. A reveiw.....rn- Deravel J.Krier F.& Jacque Ph-Biopesticides, a complementary and alternative approach to the use of agrochemicals. A Review....rn- Donkpegan A.S.L.Hardy O.J.Lejeune ph.Oumorou M.Dainou K.& Doucet J.L-On a species complex, Afzelia, in african forests of economic and ecological interest. A Review......rn- Genot V. Bock L. Dardenne P.& Colinet G.-Use of near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy in soil analysis. A review.......rn- Lehaire F. Ligot G.Morelle K.& Lejeune ph.-Indicators of red deer pressure on understory vegetation in temperate deciduous forest. A review.....rn- Lienard A.& Colinet G.- Riview of the mobility of trace elements in soils and of the use of physico-chemical stabilization as an in sity management strategy for contaminated sites.......rn- Minengu J.Mobambo P.& Mergeai G- INfluence of environment and cropping practices on the productivity of jatropha curcas L. In sub-saharan africa. a review......rn- Zimmer J.-YHaubruge E.& Francis F.-Review: larval ecoogy of culicoides biting midges (Diptera: ceratopogonidae)........
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