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Biotechnologie, Agronomie Societe et Environnement Volume 8 No 4 Tahun 2004
General aspect rn- Thiry E., Segerman C., Xambeu L., Penders J.-Current status of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies in ruminants.....rnrn Analytical methods for food rn- gout S., Valdivia H., Mc Dowell D., Harris N.- Detection of neuronal tissue in meat using tissue specific DNA Modifications......... rnrn Analytical methods for feed focusing on the detection of banned meat and bone mealrn-Vermeulen P., Oger R., Martinez M., Baeten V., Dardenne P.- Development of an internet-based data explorer for a samples databases: the example of the STRATFEED project...........rn- Van raamsdonk L., WD., Vancutsem J., Zegers J., Frick G., Jogerson J-S., Pinckaers V., Bosch J., Paradies-Severin I.- The microscopic detection of animal proteins in feeds.....rn- Pinotti L., Campagnoli A., Tognon G., Cheli F., Dell`Orto V., Savoini G.- Microscopic method in processed animal proteins identification in feed : applications of image analysis.....rn- Campagnoli A., Pinotti L., Tognon G., Cheli F., Baldi A., Dell`orto V.-Potential application of electronic nose in processed animal proteins (PAP) detection in feedstuffs....rn- Hormisch E.D.-Traceability of processed animal proteins with varying texture in feed: fetermination with microscopic and polymerase chain reaction methods....rn- Castello A., Francino O., Cabrera B., Javier P., Sanchez A.-Identification of bovine material in porcine spraydried blood derivatives using the polymerase chain reaction technique.........rnrn Prevention and technical aspectsrn- Troeger K.- Overview of current and alternative slaughter practices......rn- Woodgate S., Van der veen J.- The role of fat processing and rendering in the european union animal production industry..........
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