Lipoproteins Structural Proteins of Cells and Tissues Some Contributions of Immunology to the Study of Proteins The Interaction between the Alkali Earth Cations, Particularly Calcium, and Protei…
Analytical Chemistry of the Proteins The Microbiological Assay of Amino Acids The Amino Acid Composition of Food Proteins The Relationship of Protein Metabolism to Antibody Production and Resist…
the electron microscopy of macromolecules light scattering in protein solutions poly-a-amino acids egg proteins natural and artificial iodoproteins glutamic acid and cerebral function cross…
transamination and the integrative functions of the dicarboxylic acids in nitrogen metabolism ferritin and apoferritin adsorption analysis of amino acid mixtures spread monolayers of protein …
the synthesis of peptides amino acid composition of purified proteins biological evaluation of proteins milk proteins plant proteins synthetic fibers made from proteins some protein-chemical…
protein gels the interaction of proteins and synthetic detergents protein of pathogenic bacteria the plasma proteins in disease preperative electrophoresis and ionophoresis stereochemistry of…